geles energeticos naturales adecuados para deportes de resistencia

Are natural energy gels suitable for endurance sports?

You’re training for an endurance sport so you’ve probably heard of energy gels. These products are a convenient and effective way to obtain energy during long training sessions or competitions. But are natural energy gels suitable for endurance sports? Let us tell you!

What does “natural” mean when talking about sports gels?

When we talk about natural energy gels, we mean products that are made with ingredients derived from natural sources and contain no chemical additives or preservatives. Natural energy gels often have a shorter list of ingredients and may be a healthier option for some athletes.

Are natural energy gels suitable for endurance sports?

Yes, natural energy gels are suitable for endurance sports. They provide fast-absorbing carbohydrates that can help maintain energy levels during intense exercise.

In addition, natural energy gels often contain other important nutrients such as electrolytes and vitamins, which can help prevent fatigue and improve performance.


Triathletes have to complete a course of swimming, cycling and running, which means they need to sustain their energy for long hours of exercise. Natural gels are an excellent choice for triathletes, providing a quick and convenient source of carbohydrates and other nutrients.

In addition, some natural energy gels also contain electrolytes, which are important for maintaining a proper fluid balance and preventing dehydration.


Long-distance cyclists can also benefit from natural energy gels. These products provide quick energy that can help cyclists maintain their pace and endurance during long hours of training or competition.

Natural gels may be easier to digest than other products, which may reduce gastrointestinal discomfort during exercise.


Marathon runners need to maintain their energy and stamina for several hours of running. Natural energy gels can be an excellent choice for marathon runners, providing a quick and convenient source of energy.

Natural energy gels may also contain electrolytes, which are important to prevent dehydration and improve performance.


Hikers walking long distances can benefit from natural gels as these products provide a quick and convenient source of energy.

They can also be easier to transport than other foods, making them a practical choice for hikers.

Choose natural energy gels if you practice endurance sports.

Natural sports gels are a suitable choice for endurance sports. They provide carbohydrates and other important nutrients that can help maintain energy levels during intense exercise.

Try out our gels and find out how they can help you improve your sports performance!