mejores geles para maraton

The best gels for marathons and half marathons

Getting ready to run a marathon? If so, you know that it is important to have the right nutrition during the race. Marathon gels are an excellent source of energy that can help you stay strong and energetic throughout the race. In this article, we will discuss the best marathon gels and how they work.

What is a marathon energy gel?

A runner’s energy gel is a portable and convenient source of energy that runners can take during a long run. It is made up of carbohydrates, caffeine and electrolytes to provide the energy needed to keep you going throughout the race.

When to take gels in half marathons

When you run a marathon, your body uses the glucose stored in your muscles as a source of energy. However, after about 90 minutes, your glucose stores may be depleted. At this point, your body starts burning fat for energy, which can make you feel tired and sluggish.

To avoid this, runners can take marathon gels to replenish glucose levels in the body and stay energised throughout the race.

How half marathon gels work:

These types of energy gels work by providing the body with the energy it needs to keep moving. These gels generally contain three key ingredients: carbohydrates, caffeine and electrolytes.


Carbohydrates are the most common source of energy used by the body. Marathon gels generally contain a mixture of simple and complex carbohydrates that are gradually released into the body to provide sustained energy during the race.


Caffeine is a natural stimulant that can increase energy and reduce fatigue. Many marathon gels contain caffeine to provide an extra boost of energy during the race.


Electrolytes are minerals that the body needs to maintain fluid balance and for muscles and nerves to function properly. Marathon gels generally contain a mixture of electrolytes to replenish the levels lost through sweat during the race.

What should you look for in a marathon gel?

When choosing a marathon gel, it is important to look for a formula that contains a balanced mix of carbohydrates, caffeine and electrolytes. You should also make sure that the gel has a pleasant taste and texture for you, as you will need to take several during the race.

In addition, some of these gels contain additional ingredients such as vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids, which can be beneficial to your performance and recovery.

Top 5 best gels for marathons:

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GU Energy Gel:

This gel is a runner’s favourite and contains a combination of carbohydrates, caffeine and electrolytes. Plus, it comes in a variety of delicious flavours to suit any taste.

Boost your performance with GU Energy gel!

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PowerBar PowerGel energy gel:

This gel is known for its smooth and easy-to-swallow texture. Contains a combination of carbohydrates and electrolytes to provide sustained energy during the race.

Buy PowerBar and reach the finish line with energy!

Clif Shot Energy Gel:

This gel contains organic and natural ingredients to provide a sustainable source of energy. It comes in several delicious flavours, including chocolate and mint.

Recharge your muscles instantly!

Science in Sport GO Gel Energético Isotónico 15 x 60ml Naranja Vegano – Formulación Isotónica con 22g de Carbohidratos, Buen Proveedor de Energía, Alternativa Óptima para Bebidas Isotónicas
  • GENERACIÓN DE ENERGÍA SIMPLE: El gel SIS fue el primer gel energético isotónico en el mercado, que proporciona carbohidratos valiosos de manera fácil y rápida durante el entrenamiento para la generación de energía.

Science in Sport GO Isotonic Energy Gel:

This gel is ideal for those with sensitive stomachs as it is easily absorbed and does not cause stomach upset. Contains a combination of carbohydrates and electrolytes to provide sustained energy during the race.

Gain an edge with every sip!


Vitaldin Sport Energy Gel is exactly what you need to reach your sporting goals. Its unique formula contains a combination of rapidly assimilated carbohydrates and electrolytes.

Don’t let fatigue hold you back! Go for Vitaldin Sport Energy Gel and reach your sporting goals!

Tips for running a marathon with full energy

In addition to taking runner’s gels during the race, there are a few tips that can help you succeed:

  • Make sure you hydrate well before and during the race.
  • Carry a watch or tracking device to keep track of your time and pace.
  • Make an eating plan and follow a balanced diet to maintain your energy levels during the race.
  • Don’t skip rest days during your training and make sure you have enough recovery time after the race.

How to use running gels in a marathon?

It is important to experiment with these types of energy gels during your workouts to find out how much you need and how they work for you. In general, it is recommended to take a gel every 45 minutes to an hour during the race.

To avoid stomach problems, make sure you take the gels with water and do not take too much at a time. You can also try different flavours and brands to find the one that works best for you.

The best marathon gels at your fingertips

Gels for marathon and half marathon runners are an excellent source of energy for runners looking to stay strong and energetic throughout the race. When choosing a marathon gel, look for a balanced mix of carbohydrates, caffeine and electrolytes that works well for you. Experiment first with different brands and flavours to find the best marathon gels for your needs.

Also remember to follow a balanced diet, hydrate properly and get enough rest during your training and after the race.