marcos prieto experiencia geles deportivos

My experience with sports gels

Hello everyone! I am Marcos Pietro, an amateur athlete who has been practising intensive sports for several years and I would like to share with everyone my experience with sports gels.

I started using them a few years ago when a training partner recommended I try them to see if they would help me have more energy during my sessions. At first, the idea of taking something like this scared me a bit, but I decided to follow his advice – and it was the right decision!

Since then, I don’t train without them. I love the feeling of energy they give me during training. I also like the fact that they are easy to carry and take, allowing me to always have my energy fix on hand.

Another thing I like about energy gels is that they come in a wide variety of flavours. There is a wide variety of options available, which means I never get bored of the same flavours. This also helps me to stay motivated during my training sessions.

Thanks to gels!

One of my favourite anecdotes with sports gels occurred during a marathon I had been training for months. I had planned to take a gel every hour during the race to keep my energy up, but something strange happened in the second hour: the taste of the gel was so intense that I couldn’t swallow it. It was a moment of panic because I feared it would affect me for the rest of the race, but after a few minutes of rest and a few sips of water, I was able to continue normally. I learned that it is important to choose flavours that you like and that don’t overload you.

Another funny anecdote I have with sports gels happened during a mountain race with a group of friends. When we reached the finish line, one of my friends took out his sports gel and started drinking it with great enthusiasm. However, after the second sip, his face changed and he began to grimace. It turned out that he had chosen a flavour he didn’t like at all. We all had a good laugh and offered to share our gels with him, but he decided to go ahead with the flavour he had chosen.

In conclusion, if you are an amateur athlete looking for more energy during your workouts, I strongly recommend that you try sports gels. I’m sure you’ll love them as much as I do – good luck and may sports always be with you!